Parent workshops and staff trainings are offered at childcare centers, preschools, pediatricians’ offices, and other family-centered organizations.
Sleep Workshops
Research clearly indicates that a child’s development and learning are impacted by the amount and quality of her sleep.
Teresa is on a mission to help all adults in a child’s life better understand infant and child sleep, so they can collectively help a child achieve optimal and restorative sleep.
The workshops are 2-hours in length and provide an overview of Infant/Child Sleep (ages birth to 5 years old). Parents, grandparents, and teachers are welcome to attend family sessions; and in-service trainings are offered to staff.
Recent clients have included Bright Horizons in Natick, Artisan Childcare Center, Belmont Cooperative Nursery School,Massachusetts Mothers of Twins Association, and the NatickFamily Resource Center.
Safety Workshops
Teresa offers workshops on safety topics including child passenger safety, baby-proofing, and safe-sleep. Why these topics?
- It’s important that a child’s environment at home and at childcare are safe so they can explore, play, and thrive.
- Research shows that more than 75% of car seats are improperly installed.
- Infants can sleep up to 16 hours a day- it’s essential that where they are sleeping is safe.
Workshops can be tailored to meet your needs. Parents, grandparents, and teachers are welcome to attend family sessions; and in-service trainings are offered to staff.
Teresa presented at the annual training for the Vermont Child Passenger Safety Program on “Car Seats and Infant Sleep: theBasics.”
Trainings for Healthcare Providers
As Pediatricians, Nurses and Primary Care Physicians who see young children, you are frequently asked these questions from parents:
- Is my child sleeping enough?
- How can I help my child fall asleep on her own?
How do I wean off night feedings? - What do I do when my child wakes up too early?
- What should I do about my toddler’s nightmares?
Should I let my child “cry it out”? - Why won’t my child take a nap?
This training is for you if you want to deepen your knowledge on infant and child sleep, age-appropriate sleep patterns, common sleep challenges, and effective strategies to share with your patients.
If you are interested in hosting a Parent Workshop or Staff Training at your location, please contact Teresa for more information. She will travel!
What clients are saying:
Expand Workshop Feedback
“I met Teresa during a sleep workshop organized by our club of Moms of Multiples and I cannot say enough good things about her! Teresa truly listened to each family’s individual situation and was able to offer suggestions to moms with children of all ages. Her ideas for our 6 month old twins were wonderful and I saw immediate improvements in their napping after implementing Teresa’s suggestions. I know I’ll be keeping her contact information on my refrigerator in case any need arises for the future!”

~ Kelly,
Natick, MA
To request a sleep consultation, please click here. For all other questions / inquiries, please complete my contact form.